
Product Search

The extensive Products Catalogs found in our online Product Search comprise hundreds of thousands of customized promotional products and apparel from thousands of suppliers that can be purchased blank or factory screenprinted and embroidered. However, this does not encompass all available suppliers and the full extent of other custom products and specialty services provided by GARCON Creative Services.

This online catalog might not include a wide range of uniforms and apparefor screenprinting, embroidery, and tackle twill.

This online catalog might not include the full range of our custom paper printing and business products comprising business cards, flyers, brochures, folders, postcards, and stampers.

And this online catalog does not include a wide range of custom designed, fabricated, and installed indoor and outdoor directional signs, vinyl and acrylic, architectural signs, vehicle wraps and vinyl, and lighted signs

If you do not find what you are looking for, if you have need for other stock or custom products and services to promote your organization, if you just want help coming up with ideas, or if you just want us to do the legwork, please do not hesitate to contact GARCON Creative Services directly ( In additional to custom graphics, artwork, and design services, GARCON sources, fabricates, embroiders, prints, and decorates innumberable other products beyond what can be found here.

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RFID Blocker Credit Card Sleeve

# 594550-F 10 day production time$0.78 - $1.43 | Min Qty 125

Wireless Identity Theft
Many credit and debit cards, enhanced drivers licenses, etc have a RFID (radio frequency identification) chip embedded in the card.This chip contains personal and account information necessary to complete transactions.

Identity thieves can merely pass you on the street and download your personal data.

Our RFID blocker sleeves are made of a special matte paper material that includes a special metal alloy using a patented process to protect your data FIPS 201 Approved.

Full color imprint communicates your high impact message. Perfect for retailers, financial institutions, government and travel agencies, schools, colleges and more!

Effectively Shields:
- All 13.56Mhz contactless credit cards, passports, drivers licenses.
- ISO 14443A/B and EPC Gen1/Gen2 contactless smart cards.
- Any contactless card that operates at 13.56 Mhz and above.
- All new contactless credit cards and debit cards.
- US Passport Cards.
- Enhanced Driver's Licenses such as Washington, Michigan, New York, and Canadian provinces.
- Many transit cards such as the DC Metro and Boston Charlie card.
- TWIC (Transportation Worker Identification Credential).
- HID iClass, HID MIFARE, HID FlexSmart, DESFire.
- Indala FlexSmart.
- Any card ISO 14443A/B or ISO 15693 compatible.
- All MIFARE and DESFire compatible cards.
- sQuid cards used in Europe.
- Military CAC (Common Acess Cards).
- New Government PIV (Personal Identity Verification) cards such as the Linc-Pass.
- New long range RFID EPC Gen1/Gen2 cards.

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